Bounty! – Monday 6/2/2008

I love the Los Angeles Public Library. I put a bunch of books on hold, some of them recommended by friends. And I found a few on the shelves when I got there.

So I walked out with seven books– for free!

I do buy books. I like to buy books. They make me happy.

If people like you and I don’t buy books, really, who will?

But I’ve had a run of bad luck with the books I’ve bought, so I’m dropping back to the library for a little while.

Bountiful food at the writing group. We eat really well… and pretty healthfully, too. Cherries, grapes, smoked eggplant dip, hard goat cheese and bread provided by Braveheart. Mixed greens salad and jalapeƱo cheese crunchies brought by Tomasina.

I picked up two ceviche tostadas from Lucy’s on La Brea. So delicious and such a good deal!

I also brought a spicy broccoli/mushroom soup that I made up. That’s Braveheart’s nice cookware and stovetop.

Wow! Tomasina brought treats from a bakery! Lightly banana-flavored cupcake and…do you know what the swirly one is? A home made moon pie! (The filling inside that was the best.)

Oh, yeah. Between the library and the writing group, I went to the gym.

And between dinner/check-in and the end of the evening, there was reading of our writing and discussion. We’re doing good work.

Some days life seems a little charmed.