Giant Bowl o’ Butter – Tuesday 6/10/2008

Apparently this giant bowl of butter has intrigued others before me.

“People are fascinated with it,” the night waitress tells me when I ask if I can take a picture of it. “They want to touch it.”

Some have gone further.

One night a couple of drunk college students were in the all-night diner early in the morning. They were horsing around, and one of them grabbed the butter and dumped it on the other’s head. (Thank goodness it’s whipped!)

“Butter went everywhere! It was all over the guys, on the counter, on the floor. They were both slipping around in it. We call it the Great Butter Caper.”

They have a pretty good attitude at Andrew’s.

When I opened the car door outside the gym, there was this leaf on the asphalt. The arc is the shadow of my steering wheel.

Sometimes all you have to do is pay attention.

Lurking – Monday 6/9/2008

This shadow on the other side of the glass at Andrew’s looked pretty spooky. Add to that the profile of the lurker with what looked like a big chainsaw and it was exciting for a moment.

But I’ve seen this before. It’s a young man using a hedge trimmer on the shrubs outside the window.

He was still out there when I left. He flashed me a wide smile when I said good morning.

Not so scary after all.