Made Me Look – Monday 7/21/2007

Okay, they got me.

I snapped this while waiting in traffic on southbound Highland in Hollywood. It seems just tasteless enough to be real.

In fact, it’s a viral marketing campaign for a new HBO vampire-centric television series called TruBlood. It’s not quite as good as the amazing video that every one was forwarding when Dexter was gearing up, but it’s pretty good.

Viral marketing? The goal is to create something so interesting that we will do the ad company’s evil bidding and spread the word for them.

Yes, that makes me a dupe.

If you’re curious, click here to see for yourself.

Yet Another Hike! – Sunday 7/20/2008

Our goal, should we choose to accept it, is to scale Sundry’s Mountain. We started off earlier today and it was curiously overcast and cool throughout our entire hour and forty-five minute hike.

If you click on the photo and make it bigger, you may be able to see the moon above the mountain and a little to the right of center.

We can only assume that Hydra is doing his Rocky routine at the top of Sundry’s Mountain.

Hey, somebody has to lag behind and document events like this. Not everybody who flew up there got to walk on the moon, you know.

But I did eventually make it to the top of my own mountain.

The diffused light was really wonderful. Made these dried out flower bases just glow.

HydraSquatch offers up the pod of friendship.

I took a cactus pine out of his paw once, and he’s been bringing me stuff like this ever since.

(That’s a yucca flower pod…pretty neat!)

This shows most of our little development. See all that stuff on the other side of Hydra’s Mountain? 99.5% of it wasn’t there when we arrived.

The yucca rises from the ashes. This area burned in March 2007.

Long time readers will recall that this was our personal brush with that powerful and famous California icon, the wildfire.

Looking back at Sundry’s Mountain from atop Hydra’s Mountain.

I know, I know. Another weekend hike…yada yada!

Just to spice it up, here’s a not very good video of some finches eating the seeds out of the Indian Blanket flowers in our front yard. This was shot with my Canon point and shoot digital camera, not even a real videocam.