Boxing Day Elf Princesses

The cousins arrived from Orange County and Michigan and brought the cheer with them.  Months ago, I said it was okay for them to come to our place for Christmas, but that tiaras and tutus were mandatory.  True to form, I’d forgotten, but Sharon hadn’t!  She made tutus!

We had a great day watching  Sharon and Toni’s parents’ wedding and other 8mm footage from last century that Dana’s dad shot, and Dana had put onto DVDs.  Amazing stuff!

We ate lots, including some of four pies and bread pudding!

Toni’s company, Tepel Brothers Printing, sends out a box of printing samples every year. She had one sent to our house, and we opened the 11 wrapped packages inside and read the stories that came with the packages to each other.  All the businesses are located in Michigan. What a great way to promote local businesses at the same time as showing off their clever designs. There’s a big cookie from On the Rise Bakery in Detroit inside the stovetop box. The sandwich is actually a cute sponge.  Fun stuff!

We also had a white elephant gift exchange and played Cards Against Humanity, a very funny, crude game. This ain’t Trivial Pursuit, folks. 😀

Everyone arrived with hiking shoes, but it was cold, sunny and verrry windy, so we didn’t do that, but we had a great time together.

One thought on “Boxing Day Elf Princesses

  1. kitty says:

    Whooeeee! Obviously you all had a great day! Looks like a party…and party-ers… I’d really like!

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