Remember These? – Friday 6/27/2008

I miss the check-out cards that used to be in all the library books. I liked to look at them and see what sort of life the book had had, based on the dates handwritten in early books and stamped in red, blue and black later on.

Sometimes they had a very active early life, checked out at each possible opportunity in two- or three-week stints for a year or more. Sometimes they languished for months between readings, sometimes they experienced a flurry of attention later in life. Maybe a teacher who discovered the book or remembered it and assigned it was responsible.

There’s no trail left in this book, a 1958 edition of Exploring with Fremont: The Private Diaries of Charles Preuss. There is only this pocket.

See how the fine has been changed from 2 cents, to 3 cents to 5 cents? Now I think it’s 25 cents a day. Inflation-wise, that’s pretty reasonable.

This book is probably experiencing a little renaissance across the country. Like me, others heard it mentioned on a recent episode of This American Life. I saw at least one other person on Good Reads who referenced it.

I worked at the Rosenfeld Management Library at UCLA in the last half of the 1990s, when we converted from a card catalog to an online version. There was a great gnashing of teeth amongst the old-timers and the new traditionalists. As much as I loved the old cards, the new system is really much more accessible and easy to use.

I was one of the people who pulled cards from the books as we checked them out, and added barcode after barcode. I was one of the people who oversaw the dismantling of the old way of doing things. It was kind of sad.

A small beautiful wooden card catalog from the management library’s Special Collections room lives in my pantry now. Rather than cards it holds baby food bottles filled with spare nails, screws and house parts.

Early Girl – Wednesday 6/11/2008

There she is! Ain’t she a hot tomato?

Here come her sisters!

They seem to be enjoying their spot in pots on the patio.

Cool Thing : Check out this Chris Ware animation that’s on the This American Life website. Very cute story from a long-time married couple. I’ve had this happen with stories my siblings told about living in other houses before I was born.

I adore Ira Glass and the stories he and his crew bring to NPR every week. You can download podcasts or listen on your computer. I just donated to the podcast.

The story “Giant Pool of Money” explains the current mortgage crisis so well…

Miss Eartha Kitt – Sunday 2/24/2008

Rrrrrow, huh?

I bought this LP at the Round Up last weekend for seventy-five cents. Isn’t that a great cover?

My turntable is packed up in the garage alongside the end-table sized speakers that went with it. I bought it right out of high school back in nineteen hundred and seventy-nine and it served me well.

I’m thinking I need to get one of those USB turntables so I can move the hundred or so LPs on my library shelves to mp3 files. There’s some really good music in those sheaths that hasn’t made it onto CD.

Cool Thing: A recent interview with Eartha Kitt on NPR entitled Still Sizzling.