New Kid In Town – Monday 9/8/2008

The little guy on the left is the offspring of Hoover and his darling female companion, Eureka. I couldn’t get a shot of the three of them together because Eureka kept darting back under the deck.

Yeah, you guessed it.

We’re calling the little one Dyson.

Oh, and check out the newest addition to my blogroll : The Awesome News Source. Good news every day!

I’m the Ginchiest! – Tuesday 6/3/2008

At least, that’s what Hawkmeister over on 43Things tells me.

This is destined to be known as the Summer of the White Shades.

And you know, only the ginchiest girls get the really good photographs.

This is Jay’s dog Sebastian grooming Jay’s yet-to-be-named rescued baby squirrel.