It’s All Just a Hazy Memory Now


Wow, I guess this is the last time I will buy a disposable water proof film camera.  All the pix came out hazy, it was hard to find a place to have them developed, and Walgreen’s idea of a high-res download is about 600 kb.  This is as big as the pix get.  Sigh.

That’s me, dancing around in anticipation outside the bus that will take us to the Kern River…last Tuesday.

Inside the bus.  Kind of a fun ride over to the put in place.  Two other boat loads of rafters were with us.


If this were higher resolution, I could crop it down to show that we’re nearing some rapids up there.  They’re under the other boat.  Yes, that’s Hydra in front of me.  He got it coming and going when we snuck up on another raft and started a splashing war.  I think I got as much water on him as on anyone in the other raft.

La dee dah.  Just another day.  Floating down the river.  One of my favorite parts!


Again, if I could crop this and make it bigger, you’d see that the take out place was inhabited by cattle.  And there’s the bus on the left coming to get it.

It’s okay, I can still see the middle of the rapids in my mind and there was no chance to take photos then!